Princess Snow's pampered lifestyle with 2 maids
2009 was a hard year. Since 2007 the extent of
the financial crisis has been widened to everywhere in the world. Tens of
millions of people lost their jobs and moved all over the country, in search of
jobs. So desperate they were for food and shelter , some could offer themselves
as live in maids for only $100/month with food and shelter. Things were so cheap
now, anyone with cash on the street could lead the kind of lifestyle only
royalty could afford in the past.
Snow, age 24, was never considered too rich, but was never poor. Her parents
passed on 2 years ago, leaving her a decent sum of money enough for her to live
a normal lifestyle for the rest of her life. But since the crisis started,
things got so cheap and her living expenses simply reduced so much. She now
decides to pamper herself even more by employing 2 personal live in maids. She
always had fantasies of living a pampered lifestyle of a Princess,especially on
her well maintained feet! And now it seems it could all come true, and at a
cheap price!
This very afternoon, she decided to post a notice for maids in the forums,
"Looking for Qty = 2 Live in Maids - Willing to do anything to please and serve
a Young Beautiful Lady without hesitation" The heading alone was humiliating
enough for potential applicants, as if they were just a piece of goods measured
in Quantity. But still, during such times of hardship, her doorbell started
ringing non stop within a matter of hours. By 9 pm in the evening, she had
choosen the 2 maids who will be attending to her, one a local girl named january
and another, an asian named elle . She had a list of chores listed for her maid
tomorrow morning, giving out 2 sets of maid uniforms she's prepared for them to
be worn tomorrow onwards and decides to spare them for the day, allowing them to
have an early night, while she gets to bed as well, with a smile on her face as
her pampered Princess lifestyle takes place tomorrow morning :)
This photo story has been produced into a 40
mins full length video named "An Exclusive Production - Princess Snow's pampered
life with 2 maids" and is available in our
Video Clips Store made with the
highest quality at 3000kbps bitrate to ensure the best quality and smoothness.
Please show your support if you love this video so there can be future
productions, if not please enjoy the video captures and story :-)
Early in the morning, while Princess Snow is still in bed, her maids goes into
her room and gets ready for her. elle starts the day kissing on her Mistress's
feet to wake her up. As soon as Princess Snow notices it, she wakes up and sits
on her bed with a smile "Oh its so nice to have 2 such sweet and gentle maids"
she said. As her maids gets her clothes for the day and her shoes ready, she
just sits at the bed and gets her shoes put on by them
, but she notices her
shoes are not cleaned at her expectations as her 2 maids kneel before her with
their heads bowed while she reprimands them. She throws off her shoes back to
her maids
and said "You know what to do!" , a term laid down in the contract
yesterday stating that the maids would have to clean their Mistress's shoes with
their tongue if it wasn't clean to her expectations, sounds kinky or sadistic,
oh well, that's life nowadays for people committed to servitude. January and elle lifted their Mistress's shoes to the lips and starts to lick them slowly,
Snow pushes her maids on their face
to hasten them up. Then its time to start
her day of fun with her maids as she looks at elle and said "How dare u put dirty
shoes on my feet" , the maids apologises, but she puts her bare feet in front of
them and the maids starting kissing to apologise that
, but Snow demands they
clean the bottom of her feet with her tongue as elle is put in charge of her
Mistress's bare feet while January takes on her Mistress's shoes and starts
cleaning them with her tongue as she spends the early part of the morning
bullying her maids with her feet and
shoes before she orders her shoes to be put back on
as she proceeds to have her breakfast.
Princess Snow sits at the bar counter and has her breakfast, browsing through a
fashion magazine deciding on the items she'll be buying on her shopping trip
today as she dangles the shoes on her feet, the pair of shoes her maid took
great effort in cleaning just moments ago, but she decides that's not the one
she'll be wearing but january and elle arrives and they brought along her boots
as her 2 maids knelt at her feet taking off her shoes
, asked about the black
platform boots they brought would be fine to go along with her red outfit for
the day, "Did u bring my pair of little white socks to go along" she asked, and
her maids brought them forward and she was pleased "but did you make sure
they're fresh and clean? Will u smell on them to make sure they're fresh and
clean" she said, and each of her maids sniffed hard onto their Mistress's socks
to assure they're clean
before they proceed to put them on for their Mistress
They then proceeded to put on the boots for their Mistress
while she sits on top
continues with her breakfast while getting her boots laced up
for the day and
the maids knew what to expect after lacing up the boots for their Mistress as
their tongue starts painting all over her boots
to make sure they shine sparkling clean before their Mistress walks outdoors in them, after all she's getting
attended by 2, not just 1 maid. Princess Snow orders january to accompany her in her
shopping, while elle stays behind to shine her shoes and do the chores.
After a whole day of shopping, Snow comes back home and gets greeted by her maid
elle kissing on her boots, while maid january who's been with her shopping the
whole day and puts down her Mistress's purchases for the day
. Of course, the
Mistress gets to rest while her maids continues working, and Snow relaxes on the
sofa to have her maids licked her boots clean before they unlace her boots and take them off
. Now's the time she
loves best, since young, her feet has generated more sweat than any normal girl
on the street, and after only a day in her fresh white socks, they have turned
yellowish fast, and she loves the idea of her maids sniffing on them as both january and elle puts their nose on her yellowish socks
, pretty disgusted with
the smell it produces to be honest, but Snow loves to see them smelling on her foot sweat and
orders both her maids lie down at the bottom of her feet
as she crushes her socked feet on their faces
orders them to inhale deeply on her
sweaty and damp socks
she's worn entire day in her boots . She's not done with
the sniffing just as yet and she orders her socks to be taken off for the maids
to sniff on her socks till they're nice and dry
. Now on her bare feet, she
flexes her toes in front of her kneeling maids, commenting they're too dry,
"what do you have to do about this" Snow said, as she begins a cruel competition
with both her maids, to see who can take in her foot deeper into their mouth and
hold it there to moisturize her feet, and the loser shall spend the night
without sleep at her feet warming them with her breath, while the winner gets to
sleep under her bed warming and licking on her shoes. The competition soon
begins after she's had fun making her maids sniff hard on the toes of her bare
feet, she always enjoys that cooling sensation she gets on her toes when they
are sniffed
, not to mention the disgusted looks on faces of her pathetic maids!
The contest soon begins and it was clear january was the winner as the width of
her mouth was maxed out to take in her Mistress's entire foot
, just to earn her
night's sleep, all that came at a price as she was soon heard gagging and looked
like she was in agony, elle on the other hand, is facing alot of problems just
to take her Mistress's feet fully into her mouth as they were too small
, and
looks set to be the loser. Snow is not too happy with elle of course as she's
not really put in any effort, and switches her attention to elle while other
other feet is moist and warm in the mouth of January. After some guidance and
motivating, elle finally gets her all her Mistress's foot into her mouth but she
was almost in tears and coughing badly. For all the effort elle put into trying,
january is still going to be declared the winner, so poor elle will be without
sleep for the night warming her Mistress's feet. Snow has had enough fun for the
day, and its time to get a bath and get to bed
Now with 2 maids attending to Princess Snow, life has got so much better or so
pampered, usually Snow would have to take a step up before she can get up onto
her rather high bed, but today onwards, she enters the room and steps on the
back of her maid january to get up onto her bed
, and sits in front of her 2
kneeling maids as she orders her shoes off to give her tired bare feet a nice
foot massage. As usual she loves to tease and humiliate her maids, making them
sniff hard on her sweaty bare feet
and kissing on them like they're a jewel
before they proceed to do some maintenance on her feet, january is busy slicing
some free cucumbers and lemon while elle is pouring some warm water into a small
tub for their Mistress
to dip her feet into it as elle gets busy washing her
Mistress's feet. When her feet gets clean, she simply lifts up her feet to her
maids and gets them blown clean by their mouth, another humiliating moment for
her maids when she could just have them wiped clean, but she loves making life
difficult for them! The blowing on her toes continues till they were dry
, and Snow decides its time for bed, january though would be glad she
could finally end a tough day at work, while poor elle will not get any rest
tonight as she lost the contest, and will have to stay at the foot of her
Mistress's maid to warm her feet with her breath all night, while january sleeps
on the floor, with her breasts firmly on her Mistress's shoes
for tomorrow
morning, making sure they're warm the next day she puts them on for her Mistress
who is now sleeping comfortably with a smile while her maids had a completely
tough first day at work, and the day's not ended for maid elle yet! :)
This photo story has been produced into a 40 mins full length video named "An Exclusive Production - Princess Snow's pampered life with 2 maids" and is available in our Video Clips Store made with the highest quality at 3000kbps bitrate to ensure the best quality and smoothness. Please show your support if you love this video so there can be future productions, if not please enjoy the video captures and story :-)